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  1. I swear that is how it feels. 

    Everything still feels incredibly surreal, we’ve lived like this for nearly a year, but it still doesn’t quite feel real. Making it to the end of January is always quite an achievement: the days are long; the nights get super dark; payday is eleventy billion years away… then you add in lockdown and homeschooling. [Disclaimer: this is definitely not what homeschooling is supposed to look like, I have some amazing friends who do this normally and it is the complete opposite of the live lessons and worksheets we’re doing now.]

    I am very aware that at home, I have it really lucky. Mr Delix is working from home so is around during the days and can often help with the homeschooling, I can shift my work around to do it mostly in an evening and weekends (or occasional nap times?!) and our children are here, loved and supported. We are fortunate. Very fortunate. That still doesn’t make it easy. 

    I wasn’t going to make any lockdown specific type pieces because really, who wants to be reminded of this?! But at the same, we really should be reminded of this! The homeschooling pieces had to incorporate something for the grown-ups too, so out came a bracelet, keyring and wine glass charm. Something for everyone!


    I’m also well aware that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! I love the pieces we already have, and my head was firmly in the “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” corner, but decided to add a couple of lockdown themed pieces. Something that has really helped is the new affiliates scheme! It’s my way of giving something back to those customers who always comment, share and shout about our products to anyone who will listen and they also come in very handy as one of the new pieces was their idea- I’ll leave you to guess which!


    I’m finishing it there with a short but sweet post, and a final quote which seems very appropriate considering February begins on a Monday tomorrow- When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all through the week!

    Good luck all,


  2. Welcome to the Year 2021! I remember when 2020 started, I was blissfully enjoying maternity leave, pondering a few ideas for my return and dreaming of summer holidays (as always). There were rumouring’s of some strange illness, but nothing had hit here and as far as I knew the only way my children's school would close would be a huge blast of snow! Well, we did have some snow, but we also ended up with a pandemic. So, yeah!


    Anyway, we got through it and had high hopes for this year. Then lockdown 3 (or 2.5? does the November one count?) happened! It was a very strange weekend reassuring the children they’d be going back to school after the Christmas break to see their friends, dropping them off excitedly Monday morning then realising through the day that when you pick them up it might be the last time they see their friends for a while. It’s so hard on the little ones and so we’ve tried turning it into an adventure at every opportunity. 


    This week has been a learning curve. A very, very big learning curve. This time last year I’m not entirely sure I could tell you what ‘zoom’ was but now- zoom, Microsoft teams, google classrooms and tapestry are all everyday language! Aiming to make the most of this year, I’d purchased an amazing diary from The Girls Mean Business and boy am I glad I did! This week has been chaos, at the very least. But my diary is keeping me on track for all the things I’d planned in January (OK so this blog is a little late but I’m OK with that!). I hadn’t got round to the rest of the year but that’s on the January to do list so it’ll get done… I hope.


    I’m determined that putting things in writing will make me keep to them so for those reading: this is my plan for Delix this year. Soon, I will be announcing something VERY exciting! Affiliate members will be coming! So, if you love Delix and regularly share it in groups or with friends and family you need to get in touch. Next, I’m aiming to add at least one new thing to the website every week. Ideas for this are always welcome but I have a few Christmas gifts up my sleeve that are now long overdue being shared. Finally, I really want to keep to a schedule. That means themed days, regular posting of certain events- and #winitwednesday hurrah!


    We’ve already had our first #winitwednesday and I have some ideas for more planned, but I would LOVE to know what things you’d like to see! Please leave a comment to let me know… and just to remind me people do read these things occasionally!
